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Here Comes the Brides

Client Location Story Prerequisites Gold Exp Rewards
Nemard Wolfen Ma-non Ship 9 Prone Sweet Prone 26000 350 >Formal Suit


Choose "Heptana Logur" for A, "Enneana Spicar" for B;
A: Talk to Heptana and defeat 1 Imp Lophid; Talk to Heptana;
B: Talk to Enneana; Obtain 3 Lightweight Pelt; Deliver them to Enneana;
Talk to Duna Valdileo; Gather 4 Tough Humpsteaks; Deliver them to Duna; Talk to Galba Vasago and defeat him; Talk to Nemard Wolfen


You choice decides who Nemard marries, and changes some minor objectives in the middle of the mission. Lightweight Pelt drops from Mephites, an easy source is Gerhardt, the Lone and Proud in the Whale's Nostril in Noctilum.
Tough Humpsteaks drop from the armored Suid(break horn) in Primordia and Oblivia. Easy targets are the ones in Seaswept Fort, near 119.

Built by ζƒ…δΊ‹ζ•